

Perry has used and refurbished centrifuges for sale and in stock from leading manufacturers including: Alfa Laval, Broadbent, Comi Condor, Ellerwerk, Ferrum, Flottweg, Heinkel, Krauss Maffei, Sharples and Westfalia.

Our centrifuges can be used for filtration, separation or purification. Our inventory of stock includes: basket centrifuges, decanter centrifuges, disc centrifuges, Westfalia stainless steel separators and clarifiers, pusher, peeler and inverting centrifuges.

Perry buys and sells used centrifuges and separators. Sell us your surplus centrifuge, or use it to trade-in against another item from our stock.

Call our UK office today to discuss your used process equipment requirements, +44 (0)1325 315 111.